Once upon a time creating a card was a really difficult thing for me. I could never get my favorite techniques to look good, could never bring together a card that looked just right. Determined to figure out the secrets to making cards that were fun to create as well as pleasing to my eye, I just kept making.
Now several years later I have some techniques, designs, and product combinations that have become my tried & true winners. In this class I will explore eight of those, as well as share cards (with video instruction) and lessons from five fabulous guest instructors.
Sandy Allnock, Chari Moss, Ashli Oliver, Nina-Marie, and Zoey Scarpelli
Click here to register for $30
This course will walk through not just pretty cards, but explain the why and how of the design and techniques. You can use the knowledge and ideas in your own ways and make your own beautiful creations.
This class is open as a self-paced class:
- Full video lessons including tips, tricks, and substitution suggestions for all dozen “tried and true” cards
- Weekly inspiration emails with student creations as well as fresh ideas from the internet
- Four bonus “common pitfall” video lessons
- Bonus video lessons (by May Flaum) creating cards inspired by each of the guest instructors
- Video lesson on being inspired by beautiful cards, and how to translate into your own style
- PDF file recapping highlights of each lesson for reference made available at the end of class
- Unlimited email access to May Flaum
- Access to classroom and all materials as self-paced class after class ends
- Two live-chat Q&A and technique demos with May Flaum (google+ hangout/YouTube live) that will be archived in the classroom